“La Dejeuner Sur L’Herbe”
“La Dejeuner Sur L’Herbe”
“La Dejeuner Sur L’Herbe”
“I heard the sound of the sun, when I turned around the mountain was gone”
“I heard the sound of the sun, when I turned around the mountain was gone”
“I heard the sound of the sun, when I turned around the mountain was gone”
“I heard the sound of the sun, when I turned around the mountain was gone”
“Projecting Kop Head”
“Projecting Kop Head”
“Projecting Kop Head”
“Projecting Kop Head”
“Rain”: a 2 sided painting
“Rain”: a 2 sided painting
“Rain” : a 2 sided painting
“Rain”: a 2 sided painting
“Rain”: a 2 sided painting
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 1
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 1
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 1
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 1
 Acrylic on Recycled Advertising Vinyl in artist built frame  132” x 120”  12/11-12/12 2022
 Acrylic on Recycled Advertising Vinyl in artist built frame  132” x 120”  12/11-12/12 2022
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 2
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 2
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 2
“in the rain i feel myself swallowed,savored, teased by your tongue” side 2
William Norton4-5-230375.jpeg
“Kop Shot”/“ Making My Marks: Fujiyama/Guernica #11”
Making My Marks: Fujiyama/Guernica #11 (a 2 sided painting)
“Kop Shot”
Making My Marks, Fujiyama /Guernica #11
Kop Shot: a 2 sided painting
Making My Marks, Fujiyama /Guernica #11
“Gift of Water”: a 2 sided painting
“Gift of Water”: a 2 sided painting
“Gift of Water”: a 2 sided painting
“Water Falls- a two sided painting”
 “Water Falls- a two sided painting”  132” x 62”  Acrylic on recycled advertising vinyl  8/3 - 8/7/2022
“Water Falls- a two sided painting”
“Water Falls- a two sided painting”
“Water Falls- a two sided painting”
“The Mountain Sings in Deaf Ears” (a 2 Faced Painting
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